Lab 14: Ester Synthesis

Ester Synthesis


The purpose of this lab was to complete a synthesis reaction by combining different acids with alcohol. This will create different molecules containing the functional group ester which is a sweeter smelling group. Basically, we a changing a putrid smelling mixture into a sweeter, more pleasing mixture by changing its molecular structure through combining and heating of substances.


Test Tube I (Isopentyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid, concentrated sulfuric acid)

Test Tube E: (Ethyl alcohol,  glacial acetic acid, concentrated sulfuric acid)

Test Tube M: (Salicylic acid, methyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid, concentrated sulfuric acid)

Test Tube          Smell of Mixture before Heating:                                  Smell of Mixture after Heating
I                        -Vinegar and salt                                                            -Bananas
E                       -Cleaning supplies and vinegar                                     -Nail polish remover
M                      -Cleaning supplies                                                         -Mint
Nail Polish Remover


In conclusion, this lab was fairly successful because we were able to kind of get the smells that we should have gotten. The problem was that some of the smells from before heating the mixture were still evident in our results but we could sort of smell what is should have been. Other than that we faced no other problems.

1.    Compare the odors of the three mixtures after heating compared to the odors of the starting materials. How are they different?
The odors are different because after the reactions, generally the result was a much more pleasing smell being sweeter compared to the starting materials which had a more putrid smell. The actual molecules were all changed in the reaction to have the functional group ester which made the mixtures smell sweet.

2.    Based on the smell of the mixtures after heating, what functional group must be present in the final molecules that were produced? Draw it.
The functional group that must present in the final molecules that was produced was ester. This is probably what changed the smell to be more pleasing and sweet because ester is found in many essential oils and pheromones. It consists of an oxygen atom double bonded with a carbon atom with another oxygen atom bonded with the carbon. Then, next to the single boded oxygen, there is another single bonded carbon on the end.

3.    Were the new compounds easily identified as a specific fragrance like an apple or banana? In the case where a specific fragrance was detected, how does the odor compare to the natural fragrance?
The new compounds had sort of distinct fragrances like the banana smell, nail polish remover and mint. The new smells, however, were not exactly like their natural fragrance. For example, the banana kind of smelled like a fake or artificial banana, and the nail polish still had the slight vinegar smell. The mint really did smell like a natural mint and had the most  distinct fragrance.

Challenge Question:    The reaction between acetic acid and isopentanol in test tube I produced a sweet smell. Draw the structural formulas of the products, water and isopentyl acetate.  


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