Lab 8: Mole Baggie Lab

Mole Baggie Lab


The purpose of this lab was to be given two unknown substances and be able to name them by only using its mass, # of moles in sample or # of particles in sample, and knowledge of possible compounds. This could be done by calculating its molar mass which is just, # of grams in sample/ # of moles in sample. Then this could be matched to the molar mass of the possible compounds.


For Set A(A4), we were given the mass of the bag and the number of moles in the bag. We used a scale to find the mass of the sample by finding the mass of the bag and sample minus the given mass of the bag. Then to find the the grams per mole, we divided the mass of the sample by the number of moles which gave us our answer. To find what substance it really was, we just compared its grams per mole to the possible substances and chose which one it was closest to.

For Set B(B2), we were given mass of the bag and the number of particles in the bag. The only difference between calculating the two sets was that in Set B we needed to convert the number of particles to moles. This could be done by dividing the number of particles by Avogadro's number, 6.02x10^23. Then after finding the moles, you do the same steps done in Set A above.


This lab was very successful because we were able to find an easy process for figuring out the the grams per mole. We didn't really face any challenges and the calculations were straight forward.


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