Lab 9: Composition of a Copper Sulfate Hydrate Lab

Composition of a Copper Sulfate Hydrate Lab


The purpose of this lab was to write the empirical equation for Copper Sulfate Hydrate with only being given some of the substance, using a scale, heating stove and evaporating dish. This was done by first adding a known amount of hydrate into the evaporating dish and heating it up so the water evaporates away. By doing this, it allowed us to take the mass of the beginning and ending Copper Sulfate Hydrate and compare how much water was lost. Using the amount of water lost, we could find the ratio of water to Copper Sulfate because we knew the total water and total Copper Sulfate amount.

(After: Left, Before: Right)


This was an overall success because we found the ratio without a problem accept for the fact that the ratio wasn't exactly 1:5 in the end. In this lab, one of the main errors that could happen was that we heated the Copper Sulfate Hydrate for too long which would burn the CuSO4 into CuS completely changing our substance. Also, at the beginning of the lab we were directed to put a hot plate on tom of the evaporating dish which stopped water from escaping the dish. After later taking the hot plate off, there were some blue particles that had somehow risen and stuck to the hot plate. Luckily, our percent error was fairly low so our coefficient should be correct. It probably should have been closer to a whole number like; however, I would still assume that our resulting coefficient was close to the actual amount due to our low percent error.


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